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Kyyjärven verkkolehti | kesäkuu 2007 |
Ison Urmaksen jalanjäljillaAiheen herättämän runsaan kiinnostuksen vuoksi lehtemme päätti käydä kiistan polttopisteessä, eli paikalla josta kaikki sai alkunsa.Satusivellin kirjastossaViime vuonna valittu Vuoden Sadunkertoja Outi Rauhala kertoi satuja kirjastossa tiistaina.Tapahtumia Hengellisiä tapahtumia Kokouskutsut Menovinkkejä |
Home sweet FinlandFinland has always been like my second home and now I have brought my daughter Noora Maija to visit Kyyjärvi. I have been blessed to have dual citizenship with Canada and Finland and have had the oppurtunity to return to Finland many times. Six years ago I decided to move to Finland and make it my home, but I spent over one year here and decided that Canada is home, but Finland is always in my heart. This summer visit has been special because I came with my mother, Marja-Leena and we came to Christen my daughter, Noora Maija here in Kyyjärvi, which happened 23.6.2007. Noora has enjoyed visiting relatives and meeting new people and enjoying the beauty of Finland. Noora's father, Glenn, is waiting patiently at home for his newly Christened daughter, who is now a part of Kyyjärvi. My father, Ahti Ruuska, was born here in Kyyjärvi and is also waiting at home for his granddaughter. I am proud to be a second generation Finn and will carry on the Finnish traditions with my daughter, mummu and pappa have already promised to speak Finnish to Noora. I thank Nopolanews for creating a great website to up to date with whats going on in Kyyjärvi. Kiitämme kirkkoherra Olavi Vallivaaraa ja kaikkia, jotka olitte läsnä ja muistitte Noora Maijaa kasteen johdosta ja teitte tilaisuudesta ikimuistettavan. Kiittäen Dinah ja Glenn Morton |
Aseta sivu aloitussivuksi | Kyyjärven kunta | Honkalehdontie 8, PL 13 | 43700 Kyyjärvi | toteutus Media Cabinet |