Kyyjärven verkkolehti | helmikuu 2013
EtusivuPääkirjoitusTapahtumatNettiradioNetti-tv1InfoPalauteYritykset ja palvelutIn English

What is Nopola News ?

Nopola News is a meeting place for the inhabitants of Kyyjärvi and people who are interested in the affairs of Kyyjärvi. It remains to be seen what this will be in the future—the possibilities provided by Internet are limitless.
The publishists in the web magazine are the municipality of Kyyjärvi, the local parish, Kyyjärven Kyky, the sports organisation, all enterprises, companies, societies as well as village communities who all have chosen their press secretaries. In the future there will be nearly 100 reporters writing stories for Nopola News, over 5 % of the inhabitants of Kyyjärvi.

Different writing styles will be the essence of Nopola News. If someone writes all words together and separates combound words, we say “so what”. The main thing is that the readers get the main point. This magazine will naturally also contain articles written by prominent people—specialists, experts, MPs etc whose articls have been re-checked by secretaries and proof reading programmes. The main thing, however, is that no one is offended or oppressed and that all writing is done in good spirit and well-meaning manner. Of course this magazine is not meant to be too sugary, so negative viewpoints will also be published. But the best thing in the magazine will be stories written for ordinary people by ordinary men and women.

The web magazine is divided into different subject areas under which articles will be published. The web magazine is upgraded monthly but also the old issues can be read.

Our goal is that all essential information can be found in the web magazine, whether it is current affairs, bargains, events, meeting calls, family news, foreign news, municipal decisions, stomach aches etc. The list is endless. By linking the events guide with bargains in local enterprises we provide a unique marketing channel for companies and organisations. In the future we will surely see interesting connections between these different quarters.

Nopola News On Air

When we add a web radio with live broadcasts to the package, we get an interesting combination. Via the web radio you can, for example, listen to council meetings, church services, sport commentaries etc. Also synchronized broadcasts will be possible—then a listener can freely choose which broadcast he wants to listen to. The broadcasts, such as council meetings, will also be recorded digitally and they can be listened to afterwards as well.
Perhaps, some day you'll hear "This is Nopola News On Air In English"

A project called “Tiedon tuottaminen Internetiin ja tuotantoketjujen organisointi ”  (“Producing Information for the Internet and Linking The Producers”) has been founded  for the publication and organisation of Nopola News. The project has received Leader+ -funding via Viisari Ry, so many thanks for them!

We hope you’ll enjoy reading Nopola News as well as listening to the broadcasts!


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